- City: Rotterdam
- Country: The Netherlands
- Population: 218828
- Location: 51.9242|4.4818

In January 2020, Rotterdam signed a pledge highlighting its commitment to principle 4 of the European Pillar of Social Rights. Rotterdam set up a unique programme “National Programme Rotterdam South NPRS” addressing the socio-economic challenges of deprivation that occur in Rotterdam South. The objective is to bring Rotterdam South on a comparable development level as Rotterdam by 2030.
The programme covers:
- Stimulating entrepreneurship and investing in high performing sectors in the region (energy, chemical logistical, water and creative industry).
- Developing the area to enable growth in the technology and care industry.
- Utilising the full labour potential on Rotterdam South by matching unemployed residents with suitable work and by developing talents of the residents, by especially investing in demand-driven education and prevention of school drop-out.
On 10 March 2020, Rotterdam signed its commitment to Principle 4 of the European Pill
Richard Mori, Vice Mayor for Work, Income and National Program for Rotterdam South, pledges to invest €65 million euros in 2019-2022 to support active employment in Rotterdam. Of this total amount, €4 million euros would be mobilized under ITI ESF and the same amount under ITI ERDF.
Richard Moti, Vice Mayor for Work, Income and National Programme for Rotterdam South said: “A stronger Europe is achieved with the participation and involvement of all its residents (…) We strive to build a more inclusive and cohesive city where people have a good quality of life and succeed together”

On 13 January 2020, Rotterdam joined the EUROCITIES campaign ‘Inclusive cities for all’ with two city pledges to deliver equal opportunities principle 3 of the European Pillar of Social Rights.
Bert Wijbenga, Vice Mayor for Enforcement, Public Space, Integration and Community signed a strong commitment to principle 3 on equal opportunities. The municipality is committed to make Rotterdam a city where people are living together, making differences and diversity (170 different nationalities are listed) a constructive asset for the city.
To achieve this, Rotterdam is developing an action plan called “integration and society” built upon 3 principles: fighting against all forms of discriminations, ensuring social cohesion, promoting a safe environment.
The city will invest over € 29 million in 2019-2022 to ensure equal opportunities of its residents:
- € 13 million for Rotterdammers to feel relaxed and safe in the city and more welcome and connected to each other.
- € 16 million to assist the integration and participation of refugees into society.
Wert Wijbenga, Vice Mayor for Enforcement, Public Space, Integration and Community for Rotterdam said: “Sustainable, social and economically equal societies are key to creating a stronger Europe. Rotterdam puts its residents at the top of its agenda, embracing the diversity and differences that characterise the city”