- City: Timisoara
- Country: Romania
- Population: 328 186
- Location: 45.75372|21.22571

On 22 January 2019, Timisoara became the eighth city to sign a pledge to the EU Pillar of Social Rights. Deputy Mayor Imre Farkas signed pledges to principle 11 on childcare and support to children, principle 18 on long-term care and principle 19 on housing and assistance for homeless.
On childcare and support to children, Timisoara is committed to:
- Invest €1 million per year in social services for children and families (daycare centres, counselling centres for families) with special emphasis on prevention of child separation from family and support for children with parents working abroad.
- Implement projects of €5 million in 2019-2025 to improve support services for children and families with special emphasis on the most deprived neighbourhoods
On long-term care, Timisoara is committed to:
On long-term care, Timisoara pledges to:
- Invest €1.5 million per year in social services that provide care for the elderly (residential care, daycare centres, home care, teleassistance).
- Implement projects of €1.5 million in 2019-2025 to improve access to and diversity of elderly care services (early detection of risks and monitoring services) and support more active involvement of the elderly in the community life.
On housing and assistance for homeless, Timisoara is committed to:
- Invest €3.3 million each year to manage 1,519 public housing units (social housing, public housing and youth public housing).
- Invest €1 million each year to provide assistance for homeless (a shelter, a temporary shelter during winter, a social canteen providing up to 1,000 daily meals).
- Develop support services to reach out to 25% more homeless by 2025, including a mobile emergency intervention service (social ambulance) with a multi-disciplinary socio-medical team.
Deputy Mayor Imre Farkas stated: ‘‘The EU should take into account requirements linked to the guarantee of adequate social protection and the fight against social exclusion. In Timisoara, we strive to offer adequate social assistance to people of all ages with special attention to the most vulnerable ones like the homeless”.